“Do not be misled by what you see around you, or be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values and false ideas. But you are not part of that world.” Sai Baba
The Shift of Ages
A galactic wave is sweeping through our solar system ushering in the Shift of Ages. A Shift that happens at the end of a 26,000 year cycle called ‘the grand year’. The old cycle ended on December 21st, 2012, and we are now beginning to see planetary changes in real time. The electromagnetic frequency of Earth is changing, our poles are shifting, and we are seeing ‘abnormalities’ not only in the ‘seen’ physical world but in our own consciousness. We are becoming aware of our spiritual nature and realising that we are more than the physical body, and the societal labels that define us.
How it starts
When we are born into this reality, the programming begins immediately and is re-enforced from the cradle to the grave. We are taught the art of separation and individualisation. We are given labels and classified as male, female or other, we belong to a race, a culture, a religion, a political party, an income bracket and a profession.
Humanity has been engineered to self-identify with the labels of human life, and the labels given to them by society is the sum of who they are. The 3D matrix feeds and re-enforces their bubble-ised sense of reality through its education systems, media, entertainment, religions, political thinking, and social mores.
When people self-identify with their labels and most people do…the ‘I am so and so’, they are limited in their awareness, and this limitation is expressed in a low vibrational state of consciousness. Aspects such as hate, arrogance, envy, jealousy, gossip, competitiveness, greed and the need to control others is a hallmark of a dense, slow, sense bound vibration.
As a result of generational conditioning, we no longer see ourselves as eternal, divine beings that are everything that exists. Instead, we are myopic mice fully absorbed by ‘I am’ and its labels and its world. The more we focus on our labels the more disconnected we become from the spiritual world and expanded levels of consciousness.
Man has a physical body, a soul and a spirit.
In metaphysical understanding, the body and soul are experiences in the third dimension. What we call the soul is the energetic record of debt from the lives we have led in the flesh. It is our personal akashic record that is recycled through reincarnation. Energetic debt is what keeps us chained to the wheel of rebirth…. life after life in this cruel programme.
Fear is the fundamental of this third dimension of fire. It is what keeps us alive in this reality, but it is also a weapon that allows others to control us. Fear rules the simulation and when we leave the body…die in a fearful, depressed or violent state, the frequency of our perception, our personal resonance pattern prevents us from leaving the matrix and its levels. As a result, we keep recycling from one level of the simulation to another. We are locked in.
Getting through the ring pass not
Earth is encircled by radiation belts called the Van Allen Belts. The ancients called this barrier The Ring Pass Not, symbolised by the worm Ouroboros, a snake eating its own tail. NASA has admitted that they cannot pass through the Van Allen belts which puts everything about the moon landing and visiting other planets in the impossible category!
The Ring Pass Not is a vibrational fence that surrounds the planet and has the frequency of visible light. If we are not in an elevated state of awareness when we die, if we are not vibrating faster than the visible light spectrum then we cannot get through the frequency barrier. This esoteric fact is symbolised by the worm Ouroboros. This shows us the never-ending cycle of re-incarnation.
The agenda of the satanic elite is to keep humanity in an instinctual, low and fearful vibratory state so that when the Shift takes place: the evolution of the life waves, billions will not be able to take part because of their discordant resonance patterns. They will just be recycled for the next round in the conflict zone…but most people welcome the idea of reincarnation. Their self inflated ego cannot bear the thought of its own annihilation. These folk are the ‘hive mind of the matrix and are well adjusted to the sickness called human life.
Right is might
In this day and age our society is concerned with martial values, the glorification of war, the playing on instincts of aggression and the acceptance of cruelty as a valid way of getting needs met. It is cruelty towards others and the kingdoms of nature that is dragging down the spiritual evolution of the human race.
72 billion animals and 1.2 trillion aquatic animals are killed each year for their flesh, glands and hides. Creatures that are often boiled alive. Others housed in overcrowded filthy, inhumane conditions. Cruelly treated by their licensed torturers, never seeing the sun or green grass.
Surely, the flesh of such creatures is a poison to the human spirit saturated as it is with fear and suffering.
Some people tell me that the animals they eat are grass fed and killed humanely. Can murder ever be humane and free from fear? I don’t think so.
Massive karmic debt
Mankind is loading upon itself a karmic debt of enormous weight and proportions by its collective treatment of the animal kingdom. We will eventually learn from personal experience that we cannot hurt the One Life without bringing retribution upon ourselves. Such is the Law of Return.
Man digs his own misery pit…
“Nothing so endangers the fineness of the human heart as the possession of power over others; nothing so corrodes it as the callous and cruel exercise of that power; and the more helpless the creature over whom the power is cruelly and callously exercised, the more the human heart is corroded. John Galsworthy.
Metaphysical understanding. Who are the animals?
Sir George Trevelyan introduced me to a concept, a new biology which changed my perception of animals and the natural world. The first creation story in Genesis tells us that god created all the physical form of animals, vegetables, birds and fish before Man appeared on the scene. Man was the finished product, the symphony of all created life. The microcosm of the macrocosm.
Human embryos go through the fish, bird and mammal stage in their development. I think that is evidence enough to see that the human archetype contains all life forms.
There is only One Life.
Here is what Sir George has to say.
“Thus the ruminants may be seen as the digestive system externalised. The lion seems to be the chest in specialised development, the rythmic system of heart and lungs. How slight are its digestive organs, how powerful its mane and thorax. The eagle, representing the bird kingdom, is seen as a metamorphosis of head and larynx. It has no great intestine, its body is a system of warm air sacks to keep it floating in the air. Here are the beasts of the Evangelists, bull, lion and eagle, the fourth being the Angel Man, the Archetypal Idea. The understanding is that every animal species is a part of (man) externalized and specialized before the central being of Man became fully embodied.” Sir George Trevelyan.
Waking up to the One Life
Spiritual truths can only be apprehended with intuitive awareness, and as we refine our consciousness we will discover the divinity within all created things, and our connection with all life. We will come to understand the real meaning of That Art Thou. Of our connection to the One Life and our responsibilities to it. Animals, birds and fish are truly our greater body. We are related to all of life and their secrets lie within us.
Spiritually awake people do not gorge on the corpses of spirit infused beings.
Esoteric history has a name for dead flesh eaters.
It is GHOUL.
Until next time,
Much love.
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar
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August 2, 2023 at 6:31 amThank you Elva!
August 2, 2023 at 1:18 pmBeautiful Elva. We are all connected and by so part of each others.
Thank you and much love
August 3, 2023 at 1:37 pmThe spiral whirl, the tornado of catastrophic propaganda rises higher and higher on its twisted foundation of bigger and bigger outright lies. It’s hard to impossible to get people to grasp that we are most likely living in a simulation, with contrived crises following a preprogrammed schedule, now overlapping so true believers don’t have the time to recover from the latest earth-shifting shock, because the next shocks are advancing towards them in formation like a regiment of tsunami tidal waves.
Will we be in new clear war next week? Is that the next pandemic about to crash down on us? Is the polar ice really melting? Are the temperatures as unusually high and uncommonly dangerous as we’re told? Are all the Mediterranean holiday resorts in flames? (They’re NOT)
A Swiss pilot flying over Rhodes while someone filmed it showed one relatively small fire at one side of the island. The rest was clear and not burnt. The pilot, looking down said, in Schweitzer-Deutsch (Swiss-German) ‘According to the media, all of Rhodes is burning. (supposedly uncontrollably) It’s nuts the shit that they tell us.’
.Just buy up the media starting in the 1800s, take over the medical and school systems (1910) take over the WHOLE of the mainstream media in the1950s, and Voila!
You get to control the narrative ‘virtually ‘ completely.
So you know that whatever they tell you, it AIN’T happening, and you can comfortably body surf on these little ripples, because that’s what they are, if they’re even there at all, because apparently you can hire ANY AMOUNT of crisis actors to make your production as realistic as Hollywood can. And they do.
So the whole thing actually works on an externalised symbolic reality, as Sir George Trevelyan was pointing out. It’s written in symbolic/dream language, and just like your dream(s) from last night, you can read them. They are ‘another reality.’
You do not have to internalise their ‘fear porn.’ The inner light vibrates faster than visible light, so make sure you know what and where it is. You do not have to ‘rise above’ the fear factory, you are already beyond it. The TRUTH does set you FREE.
I’m quite looking forward to whatever happens.
August 5, 2023 at 2:59 amHello Elva (and Ariel, Peony, etc…)
I am a regular reader of your writings but rarely comment since what you say always resonates with me and reflects to what I experience as truth. However, of late (actually since 2021), it feels like an intellectual exercise. Kindly let me elaborate…
I have been having this growing feeling/realisation that even the ultimate source/creator of everything (the one whom I imagine, wronly maybe, can halt and reverse all the evil happpening in this realm) is aloof, doesn’t care about what goes on here, or is even a sadistic overlord enjoying the suffering of all creatures who are suffering under a few, parasitic, evil ghouls who seem to enjoy life which looks more bountiful for them as they increase their intensity of evilness, and worse for the rest of us.
At first, I was frustrated, especially after trying long and hard to show people that what was happening wasn’t the right way, and failing as people went on merrily as if what I was saying were the rantings of a confused man. Frustration turned to anger, especially when I saw children suffer (poor health, poverty, hunger, malnutrition) because of corrupt individuals in high places (very prevalent here in rural Africa where I reside). My anger turned in to indiffernece since there was nothing significant I can do while the situation keeps worsening. Now, I feel devoid of any emotions when I see acts of cruelty being perpetrated.
All along as my outlook evolved in to lack of emotions, I ask myself: if the ultimate creator doesn’t care, (in fact, like I elucidated earlier, he/she/it seems to condone and even promote evil in this realm) who am I to to care, to intervene?
This has renderd me feeling lost. Alone. Seperated from everyone and everything. Nowadays I exist, awaiting for the day when I will make an exit out of this hell realm. I see no purpose in life but a game for some entities to amuse themselves. I have worked hard to connect, but I feel no connection. This world is alien to me.
The reason I wrote this is as a way of trying to reach out, maybe see if the good people here can offer insights on how I can regain the excitement and zest I had for life about 4 to 5 years ago and prior to that, as this is the only place I’ve come across with individuals who seem to have decoded this realm.
Thanks for allowing me to be selfish and sorry for such a negative rant.
August 6, 2023 at 2:16 pmHello Espico,
I think we can be sure of one thing. Whatever created this hell world is not a benign being. It is a demon.
Part of the matrix trap is to isolate us. Make us think we are helpless in this awful situation we call life. But that is not true.
This reality is finished and a new digital one is being created for the next round of the game. It seems to me that as your spiritual reality began to emerge it was, and is… being attacked by the parasite called I am. In this five sense world conflict is a given. Suffering is a given. Maybe it is time to take off your shoes, stand on the good earth and pray to the unseen world for guidance. Black Elk said after the battle of the Little Big Horn where Custer was defeated. “Know the ‘spiritual power’ That is peace.” There is a reality beyond the five sense world. If it has been lost, maybe it is time for you to re-find it. First stop for you are the teachings of Krishnamurti. Much love from South Dakota.
August 7, 2023 at 11:14 amA comment from Peony,
Hello and nice to meet you.
Life is certainly a game of power and domination by evil ghouls as you said but the power of evil is not against love because evil is weak.
In my experience I went through different stages and sometimes felt quite despair too, then I realized that I don’t have to be part of the game and by being more like a witness than a (physical) actor and try do detach from my usual reactions in front of a(ny) situation. As all is about energy in this dimension/game/world, action and reaction are but energy given to a situation that is not always ours and maybe not all the truth of what we ‘think’ it is. But actions can still be used for good and bad.
The connection you are searching for has to start inside as all that is outside is an illusion. But it is good to be able to share with some people and for me it is having to figure out how to stay connected with people but be disconnected from most of the game.
Be your own world create your reality by being who you are, love unconditionally you will see the beauties. I fix my attention on little things that make me happy and try to stay with that all day, it could be just a butterfly in the garden that I have seen in the morning or a smile…anything that makes you happy because bad doesn’t exist without good.
The possibilities are infinite, you are infinite because love is infinite and so you are.
Be strong, much love.
August 7, 2023 at 11:24 amhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/43KJfH_A9Mc
Espico, here is a link to Krishnamurti shorts. K really explains the human plight and the way to go beyond self.
August 6, 2023 at 1:33 pmYes, but of course you needed to get it out in the company of people who understand and care enough to respond positively. I don’t know about ‘rural Africa,’ (are you in Angola?) but over here most of the population have been hammered into what can only be described as ‘mass psychosis.’ On entirely false premises and false pretenses, being ‘locked down’ aka IMPRISONED in their own homes, and deliberately blocked from much human contact, while older people were being murdered in care homes and hospitals across the ‘Western ‘ world, using ventilators which basically tear up your lungs, and the drugs like medazolam, which inhibit breathing which are used by the Americans to carry out the death sentence where that is still done. For a ‘virus’ (Latin for ‘poison’) which as such, does not exist, has never been isolated, and is actually a computer sequence, not actually a ‘thing.’
And that was before the ‘NOT-vaccines’ came into the picture. I am generally surrounded here by people who do not WANT to understand what is actually going on, most/ at least half have had the shots, some won’t tell. They just wanted to get back to ‘normal.’ Without realising/deliberately ignoring the fact that the social contract has changed, the demons ‘in charge’ have come out into the open, and things are NOT going to go back to the previous state of blissful ignorance as to what this ‘world’ really is.
We are in a fairly isolated space 80 acres in rural Wales.
We did not adopt masks, but some took and used PCR test/swabs etc.
I basically IGNORED the whole thing, in so far as it was possible to do that in the prevalent hysteria.
And now the corrupt MSM have it going full-blast on the latest chimera, ‘climate-change’ without mentioning that most of their ‘facts’ are outright lies and real dissenting scientific experts are prevented from getting their voices heard. So that for the mainstream their expertise, their wisdom even at Nobel Prize level, simply does not exist.
So. neither I (nor Elva) would dispute that this can accurately be described as ‘a level of hell. This is a torture/pain level. Just take a quick trip to your nearest slaughterhouse or battlefield, if applicable.
But we are not responsible for anybody else’s assumptions. The thing about this life is that we have the responsibility for upgrading ourselves to the best possible level of TRUTH, and try, or just BE in the maximum amount of LOVE that you can at any time. We have the power to make CHOICES here, and to learn and grow from our choices. If we make lesser choices because it is more convenient, less momentarily painful, go along to get along, we will at base know that we cannot reasonably blame others for our lesser choices after we had learnt to think for ourselves, and not blindly accept what we were told by others. You don’t HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME At least you don’t have to play by the wrong rules which don’t work, which benefit the creeps who run things at this level, and do not benefit or in any way PROTECT the victims of their machinations. For their next trick possible global war and CBDC currency which will give them absolute control over everyone’s ability to do ANYTHING which involved fiat money, shopping, travel, shelter……….sorry your basic needs have been declined. I have read stuff recently which said that Africa may not get this new torture system because part of it are too…underdeveloped. The internet/smartphone/game addicted ‘West’ will get it in the neck as we English say.
So like I said, the demons are out in the open now. Most of what we suspected for decades IS and WAS TRUE. You can live for 100+ years if you drink Adrenochrome, the adrenaline-laced blood of tortured and murdered children. But is it worth it? You get ten years longer in a wheelchair and your face stays ravaged by time. Is that a good choice? I suppose it is for anyone who is ABSLOLUTELY TERRIFIED of what they will face/what will happen to them beyond DEATH.
You have more POWER than you seem to realise. Our instilled ego-minds, the ‘foreign installation,’ can be -is quite to VERY negative if it doesn’t get it’s own way. It’s one of the burdens we have to bear to be born ‘physically into this level. We have to choose what to do about this, being programmed by parents, caregivers, teachers, most of the ‘whirled’ world. I have lived most of my life as a laboratory deliberately while all the rest was happening, jobs, relationships, marriage, children etc. It also featured magic to a certain extent, learning that the dream worlds and this world were similar or at least connected, and how all things that we think are normal ‘things’ are actually symbolic information which if sufficiently understood can help to straighten out complicated, twisted scenarios which result in physical symptoms which can be removed by simply realising what they actually ARE.
OK I’m a slow typist and need to eat now.
This conversation is not necessarily over with this comment.
Regards Ariel
August 9, 2023 at 7:17 amPeony is quite right, at the very least your/our/my inner and outer LIFE need to be in balance. My song ‘The Intelligence test’ Verse 5 goes as follows.
‘Everything on Mother Earth is back to front.
Even light is darkness
It’s a cunning stunt.
Everything you think you see with (your) Mortal Eyes,
is written in reverse
it’s mixed up truth and lies.
Forget about what you were told.
YOU have to break the CODE,
Then you pass the Intelligence Test, ‘
‘The Intelligence Test’ Ariel AZ Alexander Benificio 2010
Inform-ational Symbolic Data are manifested as 3D separate OBJECTS in this low level dream reality.
The CODE is actually composed of Intentional Inform-ational Symbolic Matrices, and to break it you have to GRASP (not just ‘understand’/OVERSTAND) the LANGUAGE in which and WITH WHICH it is being COM-UNN-ICATED, which is a multi-sensory activity.
The ‘THEY’ are using/abusing this all the time. They use it for DECEPTION, quite successfully, so far.
WE are using it for LOVE and TRUTH.
August 7, 2023 at 10:34 amhmmm , no excitement in Africa eh …
how about making some rudimentary weapons
out of sticks , cans and bones , then , crouch in a bush .
wait patiently , reading Krishnamurti quotes and meditating .
when you spot a western celebrity , such as Attenborough or Gates ,
Geldof , Bono , or even Lenny Henry , please … .. shoot to kill !
if that idea doesn’t float your boat , you could take a long ,
arduous , dangerous , trek , to the North African coast .
give half of your life savings to a pirate with a dodgy dinghy ,
then make a long , arduous , dangerous , sea crossing , up to Spain .
make your way slowly through Spain and France , having a
riot of a time , until you reach Normandy . once there ,
pay the other half of your savings to a gangster with a leaky vessel
to bring you halfway to England , where you will be rescued by
our overworked , volunteer lifeboatmen . in England you will
be treated well and given more money and a mobile .
if you’re lucky you will also be given a room on a big barge ,
on the South Dorset coast , where I live , you can come round for tea !
August 9, 2023 at 11:58 pmHello Elva, Ariel;
Thanks for the encouraging words. After. Reading through all the comments/advice above, I realise I had lost focus on one important aspect; the universe within. I have focused so much on what is happening around me, trying to ‘change’ people to adopt my view, but like I said earlier, it seems to have a negative feedback loop.
To me, it seems so logical and simple; do good to others, and what goes around comes around, but no one’s interested in this. What surrounds me are lazy people who don’t want to put honest effort to work, are not interested to produce things of value, but are more invested in empty political rehtoric and in schemes to extract money where they’ve invested none. The situation is so bad such that employees are always scheming on stealing from employers. It is so bad that investors shun investing in my country. This is counter-intuitive to where employees should work to support growth of a business to ensure future employment for themselves and others. But my fellow citizens prefer gambling to honest work. The situation is so bad that even local media companies have hopped on to this, promoting gambling (locally christened ‘betting’) and it has become their (local media) main source of income instead of advertising. Add over-inflated government tendering system and money laundering (called wash-wash) schemes to clean money stolen from corrupt goverment deals and you start to see how bad things are. So now we have a situation where few selfish individuals have access to obscene amounts of money which circulates within certain boundaries while majority are conning (very prevalent) and literally killing each other over few remaining scraps. Very few are wont to engage in honest productive work and these become the target of the many fraudsters.
As for ‘rural Africa’, its not Angola but Kenya, towards the eastern parts where its dry and arid. All I’ll say is that Kenya, like the rest of the world, is physically beautiful and bountiful, but the leadership from top to bottom is corrupt, and a good majority of its citizens have acquired learned helpnessness at taking control of their destiny. This leaves its youngest citizens (including children) to bear the brunt of this ineptitude, where they suffer needlessly, and this usually affects me in a personal way. If you take a walk in rural towns in Kenya today, you’ll come across huge swathes of youth who are very idle (no employmeny/work) and taking alcohol and other drugs to while away their idle time.
Markfarrar, that is hilarious and I wish I could do all that, but I’ll read Krishnamurti and medidtate. I’m of the conviction that unless there’s war, I have to make my home the best place to be so that people can come visiting and enjoy what the locale has to offer. But I sure will holler at youshould my wanderings in this life find me at your corner of the world.
Much gratitude to you all.
August 11, 2023 at 5:41 amif you Love in Hell ,
you see glimpses of Heaven .
never lose your humour , bro Espico …
August 11, 2023 at 7:29 amI guessed Kenya before I got down to your explanation. I had a friend who was born in Nakuru. I could pick the vibe out of your words.
Michael Ess
August 9, 2023 at 5:28 pm“Aspects such as hate, arrogance, envy, jealousy, gossip, competitiveness, greed and the need to control others is a hallmark of a dense, slow, sense bound vibration.”
Very on point Elva. Watch out for those that say they are high vibration and all love and light, acting superior to “them”. Meanwhile they walk the black road, narcissistically abusing and manipulating others, spreading false rumors and gossiping as a means of control. They operate out of their own feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, competitiveness, and arrogance, using and preying on people for their own personal gain. Quite low vibration indeed!
August 11, 2023 at 12:08 pmTrue that Mike Ess. Even the desire to influence hoping others will ‘see the light’ or doing things your way, while the intention might be noble, it comes from the root of selfishness.
August 11, 2023 at 12:41 pmNow that is a truth, Espico. I hope you are listening to K. He brings a whole different reality to light. I was present at one of his week-end talks at his school in Petersfield UK nearly 40 years ago. I thought I understood what he was saying about the I, the Me being the mischief in the world. However, it is only in the last few years I have really understood his message.
August 15, 2023 at 4:51 pmWe have been taught by relentless programming, by endless repetition, to construct our mental reality out of the inner light, becoming ‘virtually’ separate(d) from it in the process. Seeing it as ‘separate’ from us, when it IS us.
As it has been so incre-mental, we hardly noticed what was happening to us until we became absolutely identified with the ego-demon and its false reality. It became our sole, but not our soul.
We are using it, but we are not aware of it. Not until we experience something so powerful that it stops our I-dentification process in its tracks. Psychedelic drugs/medicine will do that, or meeting people with sufficient spiritual power. Probably death will do it too, or ‘near-death’ experience.
Better sooner than later. At this point I can’t categorically state whether it makes any difference in the long run, but it sure makes things better NOW>