“The internal dialogue is what grounds people in the daily world. The world is such and such or so and so, only because we talk to ourselves about its being such and such and so and so. The passageway into the world of shamans opens up after the warrior has learned to shut off his internal dialogue” Carlos Castaneda: The Wheel of Time.
‘The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.’ The Kybalion.
The Law of Three
Our dimension is a dual one, and the two opposing poles give rise to a third estate[dimension], just as male and female polarities unite to create a child. This is the Law of Three and the esoteric meaning of the trinity, the tetrahedron, the trident, and the Fleur-de Lis, the ancient symbol of elite control from Mesopotamia, so beloved by the satanic rulers of this world.
All physical manifestation in the third dimension obeys the Law of Three, and is the reason for the tetrahedral fractal nature of our reality. When we examine the physical nature of ourselves and our world, we soon realise that all manifested form is a geometric construction based
on the Fibonacci Spiral and the Golden Mean.
A simple example of tetrahedral fractals in our own body, are the three joints in our fingers, transposed to the three joints in our arms: wrist, elbow and shoulder.
In my article: ‘Shattering the Illusion of Reality’, I talked about my spiritual disillusionment when I realised that all manifested form was just an animated piece of geometric software and, the bewildering and rather terrifying understanding that our dimension is fake and we are trapped inside it, thinking that it’s real.
Understanding the Laws that govern reality.
When we study the Laws that govern this dimension[the ‘foreign installation’]without fear and denial, and apply the knowledge and understanding in our daily life, we leave our fearful mindset behind us.
By opting out of the game of ‘us and them’, and ‘me versus you’, we shift from the polarities of active/passive into neutral. The faster frequency generated by the change in our perspective, powers our intent and we can focus on creating a different frequency pattern for ourselves, and consequently the planet.
When we enter neutral and no longer dissipate our energy on a game that can’t be won, we speed up in frequency. The speed of our new vibration is incompatible to the negative charge operating on this planet, and through resonance allows us to hack the reptile brain and re-programme it.
The more of us that make a spiritual move into the observer status, and act in the Now with loving intent, the weaker the elite parasites and their alien hosts become.
Uncovering the truth
As above, so below; as within, so without.
Once we see the contrived nature of reality on every level, and discover we’ve been caught up in a monumental Lie, uncovering the truth becomes our life’s endeavour.
I have asked myself many times what powers my beloved cats, the flowers and the trees. What is the indefinable essence that animates all life?… the mysterious ‘nous’ that comes and goes with the breath.
The electro-magnetic power of our un-coded DNA
Science tells that that human beings only access 10% of their original instructions[DNA codes] The rest is junk they tell us. What they don’t tell us is that the junk is electromagnetic, it is raw energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. So where is it?
That Art Thou
I know in my Heart with unshakeable conviction, that the ‘nous’ the mysterious essence that invigorates and powers the natural world, is the magnificent energy of our hijacked multi-dimensional consciousness, our ‘missing’ DNA.
Because of our split blueprint, it cannot manifest in inner space, and so as the law of Duality dictates, it is projected as outer space.
This explains why, those of us who are truly alive, feel the Heart pain of the planet and the suffering of its creatures: for it is us… That Art Thou.
The enemy has engineered us not only to attack ourselves, but to constantly replicate the fractal human body.
Sex and replication of the fractal
There are many indigenous oral histories that talk of a time when there was no moon and women did not menstruate. Credo Mutwa talks about the coming of the Chitauri, the serpent people who separated a single blueprint into two halves: male and female.
The separation of one into two creates three…our reality. The deliberate splitting of our blueprint created the Fall into density, duality and sexual reproduction.
The constant conscious and sub-conscious searching for the other half of our polarity, the opposite sex has been exploited by our handlers. In sexual orgasm, we touch our true divinity, and so we want to repeat the ecstasy over and over again. The desire for the re-unification of self and hormonally induced need, creates an endless supply of human bodies to be parasitised by the creators of the ‘loosh farm.’
Time to defrag
It is time for us to defrag the programme, delete old files that no longer serve the whole, and rise like the phoenix from the ashes of the reptile mind.
Stay Tuned…
Heartstar Is A Series Of Four Books… One In Each Direction.
Only You Can Complete The Circle.
Read ‘Book One: The Key Made of Air’ And Begin The Journey.
Read ‘Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia’
Read ‘Book Three: Walking in Three Worlds’ NOW Available
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar
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January 23, 2015 at 3:07 pmShe’s on fire!
Another great one Elva!
January 23, 2015 at 8:03 pmAhh freshair…………………………
Very good.
January 24, 2015 at 2:26 pmInspiring words, thank you for your beautiful sequencing of them and their effect on the hearts and minds that read them
January 25, 2015 at 2:41 pmI always find something profound and meaningful to take away with me in your writing Elva. I will be looking at ‘outer space’ in a completely different view.
I read on Zen that book 2 is getting ready to be published. Wonderful news. Thank you so much for the knowledge you share and the wisdom we gain from it. Love
January 25, 2015 at 5:01 pmHi Laurie,
It’s a bit of a mind stretch when you first begin to realise that there is nothing outside of ourselves but a sea of vibration. The body software is very limited [10%] and can only interpret five of a great number of possibilities[90%] When you think that we are made up of the five elements just as the planet but on a much smaller scale, it begins to make sense. This is a new way of thinking for many of us.
In the Gates to Pandemonia’ the second in the Heartstar series, we get into the world of elementals. The book has been so much fun to write. We should have it by April at the latest.
Much love Laurie.
Noelle West
February 1, 2015 at 2:20 amOh Elva,
Thank you again for your words. This article (as ALL your articles do) really resonated with me! I guess I’m going to have to read your book! Looking forward to doing so as I know I’m in trusted company. Much love, Noelle
April 9, 2015 at 4:47 pmHi Noelle, book one takes place in the third dimension and is resonantly encoded…. The key made of Air, is the key to the Heart. Book two of Heartstar will be published shortly and takes place in the Faerie world of the Fourth Dimension. It is called The Gates to Pandemonia. Get on board and join the fourth dimensional rebellion.
Sun hugs fair lady.
April 9, 2015 at 4:15 pmSome thoughts about the ‘nous’ if I may… I begin with a grey area as it symbolises a fog which is hard to penetrate and represents black and white in an undifferentiated state. Grey is the primal light. The principle of neutrality. Stillness. Draw a grey line. This represents the motionless wave of primal light. The eternal flat line. The illusion is that the line is motionless. Within the line are two antiparallel forces or sexes, black and white, which are moving through one another at incomprehensible velocities. In this original state neither sex is dominant because there is no polarity or separation.
From what I am able to see, the first expression is a sphere manifesting within the grey area. This sphere is the beginning of a universe (a demiurge mind) which contains lines of force separated from the primal light on the outside. The friction of the antiparallel forces on the sphere cause it to ‘vibrate’ – which in turn transforms or churns up the lines of force. This separates both sexes into the fragmented black and white polarity of a demiurge mind.
April 9, 2015 at 4:45 pmGreat comment Luke. I’m wondering if the sphere is a frequency fence that stops us escaping from the realm of the demiurge, and that the purpose of a hedron collider is trying to bust a hole in it. Any thoughts?
Sun hugs.
April 9, 2015 at 6:38 pmA thought on Nous: I have always understood that Nous is the electromagnetic energy of the All. It comes with the breath[Air 4th chakra the Heart]and matter is animated into life. It leaves with the breath and matter breaks down and dissolves. Life and death are an illusion… We are everything that exists. It is our unplugged DNA that powers this Scam. Let’s take back our multi dimensional consciousness…spiritual way is the only way.
April 10, 2015 at 10:13 amI see electricity and magnetism as a consequence of the primal light being separated. The sphere is a near infinite mind, contained and separated from the primal light by a field. It’s like a bubble suspended in an ocean. The pressure on the sphere at 180 degree points from the antiparallel force causes a breach and the two opposing light waves smash together at the centre of the sphere. A cosmic hadron collider effect. When white light collides with black light within this transformed ‘demiurge’ mind environment it splits into ‘visible’ electric waves, black light splits into ‘invisible’ magnetic waves. It’s because the demiurge mind is polarised (an interference pattern instead of straight line force) that it is able to ‘see’ black and white as separate force. It cannot see the androgynous primal ocean beyond its own field of existence.
August 11, 2015 at 3:41 pmI thinks you is right about most of what ya said — specially ’bout the time when there was no moon! But….
How many peoples is ready to let go of this fake world? Of the 1/10,000 of 1% what understands what you is sayin’, maybe 1/10,000 of 1% is ready. Leaves a lot what wants to, but shouldn’t.
Peoples should stick with ONE LAW — at the very least, DO NO HARM. That’s tricky enough to understands, never mind the LAW OF THREE.
August 11, 2015 at 6:03 pmGood to see you here Bad Clown. As you so rightly say, very few people are ready to let go of this fake world. They are too busy in the game of me versus them.It takes many lifetimes and trials to develop a personality that is not prepared to hurt by word or deed, for the mystical mind knows that ‘THAT ART THOU’ We are everything that exists and to make war on life is to attack ourselves. But so few have this understanding.
August 12, 2015 at 2:19 amTwo too many for most fer sher, but to hijack my junk to make a false reality that i gotta pay for, sorta pisses me off.
Thanks Elva, brilliant information, and well stated that i might understand.
And Mr. Bad-Clown, i am all for the Golden Rule, even alone!! BTW, i love your videos.
August 12, 2015 at 2:07 pmI loves Mr Bad Clowns videos too….
Sun hugs Todd.
August 12, 2015 at 7:39 am“We are everything that exists and to make war on life is to attack ourselves. But so few have this understanding”…
Are these words of the “One”? Or rather words of “me versus them”?
To release every hold and every distinction means ALL and EVERY hold and distinction.
To see the One in everything, means there is no more wise teacher nor stupid pupils.
If only the One exists, each action, each fact, each dead or born creature, every slaughter or miracle is an act of the One. For It there is no evil nor good side. These are just perspectives, mere opinions of a limited creature. Maybe a little bit evolved, but still a part of the One.
Until you will grasp a hold, you cannot let yourself go. Until you say “this is good, that is bad” you’re still living as a part of “this fake world”.
August 12, 2015 at 2:05 pmAgreed webrasta. This is what observer status is all about. When you find out that nothing exists outside of yourself and there is no out there, it changes your perspective. Everything that exists in our reality is us…we only play the game of us and them because of our third dimensional split blueprint.
Indigo sun hugs